Volleyball Attack Training for Physical Education University Students

Muhammad Ilham


Volleyball Attack Training Methods is a training method developed to train models of basic volleyball attack technique. Indonesian Physical Education made volleyball training compulsory. However, there is little attention given for its training. To fill this practical gap, this article reports on the adoption of volleyball attack training to university students majoring in physical education. There were several motion exercises from easy to difficult to be practiced by students. This study used comprehensive approach. This method is arranged based on four-stage volleyball attack motion. The first stage is the prefix or run up (Approach), the second stage is taking off, the third stage is hit, and the fourth stage is landing. This study aims to produce a Volleyball Attack Training Method in Sports Science Faculty Students. The research method uses the Borg and Gall Development Research Method which is adapted to the needs with the following steps: (1). Research and Information Collecting, (2). Planning, (3). Develop Preliminary of Product, (4). Preliminary Field Testing, (5). Main Product Revision, (6) Final Product Revision, (7). Dissemination and Implementation. The findings indicate that the attack training was found to be effective to help students acquire ability to attack better during a volleyball match.


Attacking Volleyball; Exercise Methods; Research and Development; Sport Science

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/cje.v1i1.22292


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