Acceptance of Burger Bun with the Addition of Kluwek as A Natural Color

Trisya Risti Nurshadrina, Elis Endang Nikmawati, Yulia Rahmawati


In 2012 burger buns with various colors appeared in Japan. However, it is feared that the use of food coloring, especially synthetic food coloring, could have bad effects on the body and the environment. Natural food coloring can be found in animals, plants and microbes. Kluwek seeds contain tannin and flavonoid compoundsas an alternative to synthetic coloring substances such as Chocolate Brown FH and Chocolate Brown HTfood. The purpose of this research is to find the right formula for the Kluwek Bun Biji Burger and the acceptability of the product to consumers. The experiment used in this research used the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) method with an expert panelist approach and then a hedonic test was carried out to determine the acceptability of the product. Product trials were carried out four times with the final product selected being a product with the code BBK4 with a ratio of kluwek pasta to wheat flour of 1:2. The results of the hedonic test stated that 60% of panelists liked it in terms of color, 46% of panelists liked it in terms of aroma, 53% of panelists liked it in terms of taste, 59% of panelists liked it in terms of texture and 57% of panelists liked it in terms of overall appearance. This shows that the product is well received by respondents

Kata Kunci

Burger Bun, Kluwek Seeds, Natural Coloring

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