Digitalization of Weight and Height Measurement at Posyandu

Rian Arie Gustamans, Imam Taufiqurrahman, Andri Ulus Rahayu, Fittur Farabi Sanaz


To monitor child growth, parents must routinely bring their children to integrated health posts, where height and weight measurements of toddlers are taken. This activity is crucial for monitoring development and detecting stunting. However, field challenges often arise as integrated health post cadres struggle with calibrating and reading measurement results, particularly when dealing with uncooperative babies, which affects the accuracy of recording. This study aims to design and develop a tool to enhance the accuracy of height and weight measurements at integrated health posts. The tool employs a load cell sensor to measure weight, an ultrasonic sensor to measure height, and an ESP32 microcontroller to manage the circuit, with RFID for input processing. Measurement results are displayed on an LCD screen. The research methodology involves designing, creating, and implementing a moving average program for the measuring device. This research contributes to science and technology by applying Industry 4.0 technologies in public health. The study's findings will be published in a SINTA-accredited scientific journal and will serve as a digital measurement tool for integrated health posts.


Weight Measuring Instrument; Height Measuring Instrument; Posyandu Digitalization

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