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Author Guidelines
FRANCISOLA: Revue indonésienne de la langue et la littérature françaises accept a research article (non theoritical research). Each article must be between 3500 words to 7000 words; The article must be written in A4 format of Microsoft Word, and in single space. Footnotes should appear at the end of the text, not at the foot of the relevant page. Each paragraph must have the 1 cm indentation. The author must respect the body of the text as follows:
Title must consists at most twenty-five (25) words and is written in lowercase, font palatino lynotype size 20, bold.
Name of author(s) is written with font palatino lynotype size 12, bold, without academic title(s), followed by practical information: institution or affiliation of the author(s) (name of Department/Unit, name of University - Country), and the e-mail(s);
Abstract is written in English and French with font palatino lynotype size 9 at most 150 words in one paragraph. This section must contains:
- a brief introduction to the problem(s) (preferably 1-2 sentences), the research method (research methodology; aims of the study; how the data is collected and analyzed), the results of the research in brief, and a brief conclusion in the end of the section.
- keywords should be in alphabetical order.
Introduction is written with font palatyno lynotype size 10, single space
without subtitles/subheadings. If any, footnotes should appear at the end of the text, not at the foot of the relevant page.
Footnotes are allowed only to provide additional notes, not for references or bibliographies. Each paragraph must have the
1 cm indentation. This section must contains:
- the context or background showing the importance of conducting the research by citing some of the results of previous research in the same field (cited from such journals), as well as its differences with this research (gap analysis) showing its contribution to the development of scientific knowledge;
- some relevant key theories (relatively recent - last 10 years);
- the research questions and aims of the study in the end of the section.
Method must contains the description of :
- the research subject/object;
- the research method used;
- the research or analysis instruments used (if any);
- the research or analysis process; and
- the process of data collection and data analysis.
This part contains the results of the data analysis that answer the research questions (problems) and their meanings in relation to theories and references.
Conclusion covers a summary of the research findings by answering the research questions (problems), a commentary or an evaluation of the main ideas brought by the article, as well as the implications of the research.
This section is used to identify the source that fund the research (if any). It should also recognize all parties who contribute to the drafting and improvement of the article.
- The sources cited in the article must be at least 6 sources.
- These sources are at least 80% of publications over the past 10 years.
- The cited sources are primary sources in forms of journal articles, books, research reports, thesis, and dissertations.
- The citations and bibliography must comply with APA (American Psychological Association) standards 6th edition. For more information, see the following guide (in french) written by libraries of the Université de Montréal: or the guide (in English) written by Trexler Library Muhlenberg College:
- It is strongly recommended to use a bibliography software in order to have the correct format of quotation and bibliography according to the APA 6th edition standards, for example the Mendeley software, or EndNote.
To learn more, click to download the article template in french or in english.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The manuscript is already compatible with focus and scope of this journal.
The manuscript is already compatible with authors guidelines and article template, and must be free from plagiarism and have not been submitted simultaneously to other journals.
If the manuscript does not follow the authors guidelines, it will be risky that the manuscript will not be considered for further processing with or without notice;
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word format;
- Where applicable, URLs for references is provided;
- The text must be between 3500 words to 7000 words, in A4 format. The main body of the text should be writen with the font Palatino Linotype, size 10 and single-spaced. Please follow this article template.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.