Application of farming methods for Increasing Children's Naturalist Intelligence

Revita Yanuarsari, Evi Octrianty, Ulpah Nurmilah


This research is motivated by the low application of farming
methods in improving naturalist intelligence of children aged 4-5
years in RA Lu'lu, West Bandung Regency, this is due to several
factors including children littering, picking plants at will, and
abandoned plants that have withered. The purpose of this study was
to determine that the application of agricultural methods can
improve naturalist intelligence. This research is a collaborative
classroom action research consisting of two cycles. Data collection
techniques using observation, documentation and non-tests. While
the instrument used was the observation sheet. The results showed
that there was an increase in naturalist intelligence after using the
farming method.


Kecerdasan Naturalis, Anak Usia Dini, Bercocok Tanam

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