Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru PAUD Untuk Kualitas Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Education plays an important role in human survival, where good quality education can improve welfare. One of the determining factors of the quality of education is teacher professionalism, especially in early childhood education (PAUD). The method used is a systematic literature review by searching for and analyzing relevant academic journals. There are still many PAUD teachers who experience obstacles in meeting the expected competency standards, especially educational qualifications and professional abilities. This study aims to analyze factors that can improve the professionalism of PAUD teachers in order to improve the quality of early childhood education. The results of this study indicate that improving the professionalism of PAUD teachers significantly affects the quality of early childhood education. Improving teacher professional competence, mastery of technology, and fulfilling academic qualifications are strategic steps in improving the quality of PAUD education. In addition, teacher professionalism is also influenced by work experience, motivation, and support from training programs and improving welfare. This study suggests that the government and educational institutions focus more on improving academic qualifications, organizing technology-based training, and providing incentives for teachers to improve the quality of early childhood education. The results of this study are expected to provide insight into efforts to improve the quality of PAUD education through improving teacher competence and professionalism.
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