Fokus penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengelolaan magang guru produktif SMK paket keahlian teknik sepeda motor berbasis kemitraan di SMK Negeri 6 Garut, Learning Center PT. Daya Adicipta Motora (DAM) dan Astra Honda Authorized Service Station (AHASS) yang terdiri dari dukungan kebijakan, efektifitas kegiatan, pembiayaan, serta monitoring dan evaluasi magang. Tujuan penelitian ini terdeskripsikannya dukungan kebijakan, kegiatan, pembiayaan, pelaksanaan monitoring dan evaluasi serta dapat merumuskan konsep model hipotetik magang guru. Posisi dan arti penting magang guru untuk meningkatkan profesionalitas guru serta meningkatkan relevansi serta mutu pendidikan di SMK. Metode penelitian yang digunakan studi fenomenologi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data melalui reduksi data, sajian data, penarikan simpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kegiatan magang guru cukup efektif berdasarkan monitoring dan evaluasi walaupun dukungan kebijakan magang guru masih merujuk pada dukungan kebijakan pada level sekolah; kegiatan magang guru kurang direncanakan secara matang; pembiayaan magang guru tidak dianggarkan secara tersendiri oleh pihak SMK. Monitoring dan evaluasi magang guru dilakukan oleh DU/DI. Rekomendasi: magang guru perlu ada penetapan dukungan kebijakan dari para pemangku kepentingan, Kegiatan magang perlu direncanakan secara matang dengan anggaran yang tersendiri serta Monitoring dan Evaluasi magang dilakukan bersama, baik oleh SMK dan DU/DI dalam rangka meningkatkan profesionalitas guru.
The focus of this study is to analyze the management of productive vocational teacher apprenticeship package motorcycle engineering expertise based on partnerships in SMK Negeri 6 Garut, Learning Center PT. DayaAdiciptaMotora (DAM) and Astra Honda Authorized Service Station (AHASS) consisting of policy support, effectiveness of activities, financing, monitoring and apprenticeships evaluation. The purpose of this study is to describe the policy support, activities, financing, monitoring and evaluation and can formulate the hypothetical model concept of apprentice teacher. The position and the importance of apprentice teachers to improve the professionalism of teachers and to improve the relevance and educationqualityof vocational high school. The method that is used is phenomenological study. Data collected through interviews, observation and documentation. Analysis of data through data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and verification. The results showed apprenticeship teacher activity is effective based on monitoring and evaluation although the teachers apprenticeship policy support still refer to the policy support at the school level; teacher apprenticeship activities less carefully planned; financing apprentice teachers are not budgeted separately by the Vocational High School. Monitoring and evaluation of teacher apprentice conducted by business and industrial world. Recommendation: teachers apprenticeship need the policy support determination from stakeholders, apprenticeship activities should be planned with a budget its self and Monitoring and apprenticeship Evaluation conducted jointly, both by vocational school and business and industrial world in order to improve the professionalism of teachers.
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ISSN: p.1412-8152 e.2580-1007
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