Abstract - The problem of the availability of school infrastructure, especially classrooms, to the number of students who are or will enroll is a classic problem that occurs in almost all schools in Indonesia, both in schools with state and private status. Madalajati Subdistrict is one of the subdistricts in the city of Bandung which has schools with a limited number of classrooms, including the Ash Shaff Islamic Elementary School. Therefore, the feasibility study for the development of the Ash Shaff Islamic Elementary School is very important to do. The research was conducted using quantitative methods with principals, teachers, and elementary school administration staff as the research objects. From the results of the analysis conducted, the social demand in Mandalajati District is quite large. Referring to the projected population of 6-12 years old who are elementary school age, the ratio of the number of classrooms needed to the available classrooms is 50%. The 154 classrooms needed in 2022 have not been fulfilled, and will continue to increase in the following years. The results of the financial analysis show that this development is feasible with a breakeven point in year 6, the NPV is positive, namely 15815992.17 > 0, the results of the interpolation found that i1 or the interest rate that produces the smallest positive NPV is 2.55% with NPV1 = 8,250,616.43 and i2 or the interest rate that produces the smallest negative NPV of 2.56% with NPV2 = -811,339.58., BCR 3.6% > 1 feasible investment, Pay Back Period (PBP) 6.5 years.
Keywords – infrastructure, classrooms, social demand, worthy
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jare.v5i2.57626
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