One of the key elements in The Creative City Program is to revitalize urban settlements (kampung) into a creative kampung in order to foster a creative environment. Kampung Cibunut is one of the urban settlements in Bandung revitalized into an Eco-Conscious Creative Kampung, with the process itself taking two years until its fruition. This research will examine the placemaking process of Cibunut Creative Kampung through the social construct approach of the Actor-Network Theory and analyze the relationship between the community as actors and the Cibunut Creative Kampung as the artifact. Sociotechnogram diagram is used as a tool to analyze the four momentums: problematization, interestness, enrollment, and mobilization. This research finds that the intersections of community networking occur within architectural spaces, mainly the plaza of RT 05 of Kampung Cibunut, the madrasah hall, and the alleyways. This resulted in strong relations between actors and the artifacts that determined the success of the placemaking process and the subsequent sustainability of the Cibunut Creative Kampung program.
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