Abstract - The impact of the earthquake disaster causes adolescents to be more vulnerable to the threat of physical, emotional, and exploitation, including loss of the right to learn. Moreover, there is a phenomenon of early marriage due to this natural disaster. From these findings and assumptions, it is necessary to design a Life Skills-based Family Life Education model that can equip adolescents comprehensively, including academic skills, vocational skills, and generic skills that will have implications for increasing family resilience. This study aims to develop a Life skills-based Family Life Education model for Adolescents Affected by the Earthquake in Cianjur. The research approach used to answer the research problems that have been formulated in this study is Research and Development (R&D), which is carried out in three stages, namely: (1) Preliminary Study, (2) Model Development, and (3) Model Test (Model Validation). The results showed that the Life Skills-Based Family Life Education Model for Adolescents Affected by the Earthquake deserves to be implemented in providing family services in the community to help increase family resilience to achieve a prosperous and happy family.
Keywords: Model, Family Life Education, Life Skills, Youth
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