Correlation Analysis of Open Street Map, Demography, and Vaccination on the Number of Covid-19 Cases Using Multiple Linear Regression and Pearson Correlation Product Moment

Aqhbar Habib, Erna Piantari, Lala Septem Riza


At the beginning of 2020, the world was shocked by the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). The resulting losses cover various areas. This research aims to analyze the correlation between spatial data, demographic data, and vaccination data on the spread of Covid-19 in Bandung City using Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) and Pearson Correlation Product Moment (Pearson's r). The results show that there are only 3 variables that are significantly correlated with Covid-19 cases. The lowest variables are Residential, Population Density, and Healthy Homes. Has a significant simultaneous correlation with Covid-19 cases with a coefficient of determination (R^2) of 0.55404. The model built also passed the 3 Classical Assumptions test so that the results can be trusted for their level of truth and feasibility. The results of experiments using the Pearson's r model involving 5 vaccination periods show that out of 30 sub-districts in Bandung City, there are 20 sub-districts that have a significant correlation between vaccination and the addition of Covid-19 cases and have a negative correlation direction of 80.54%. The results of the Pearson's r model experiment involving 6 vaccination periods show that there are 9 sub-districts that have a relationship. With a negative correlation direction of 72.93%.


Arcgis; Covid-19; Multiple linear regression; Open street map; Pearson correlation product moment

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