Optimizing The Use Of Social Media In Branding Maron River As A Tourist Attraction In Pacitan, East Java

Wida Nofiasari, Sandey Tantra Paramitha, Inggar Saputra


Tourism development in Indonesia is proliferating, marked by an increase in tourists and the increasing recognition of tourism in various regions. Technology, particularly social media, contributes to this growth by fostering the emergence of diverse social media platforms and content creators, which in turn boost the Indonesian tourism industry. One such example is the Maron River tourism in Pacitan, East Java. The Maron River is a tourist destination that offers tropical forests, animal ecosystems, and a variety of natural beauty that can be reached within an hour's journey by boat. Even though it is Pacitan's leading tourist attraction, the Maron River is still hampered by weak branding efforts through optimizing social media. This research aims to see the extent to which social media optimization supports the branding of Maron River tourism in Pacitan. The theories used are tourism communication, social media, and branding. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study research method. The research results stated, 1) The use of social media is quite effective in increasing the branding of Maron River as a tourism to the wider community, especially tourists visiting Pacitan; 2) An effective approach and outreach are needed to increase the natural tourism potential of the Maron River through increasing human resources in the area around the Maron River in mapping Maron River tourist destinations; 3) There are needs to be supported and cooperation between tourism actors in Pacitan in improving the branding of the Maron River tourist destination by providing education on the importance of social media to promote the Maron River tourist destination. Conclusion: An effective social media approach and strategy is needed, as well as support from Pacitan tourism actors in increasing community knowledge and experience to optimize the branding of the Maron River tourist destination with the help of social media.


Media Sosial, Branding, Pariwisata, Sungai Maron, Pacitan.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpp.v24i2.73403


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