The Effectiveness of Internet Addiction Mobile Application on Sleep Quality of Internet-Addicted Students

Santi Rinjani, Vina Vitniawati, Raden Siti Jundiah



Excessive internet use causes addiction leading to obsessive-compulsive behavior, depression, anxiety, juvenile delinquency, and sleep disorders. Poor sleep quality will reduce the ability to think, increase the risk of accidents, hormonal metabolism disorders during puberty and menstruation, excessive fatigue during the day, and impaired activities in work, school, and social functions. Internet addiction therapy is often carried out after complaints of severe symptoms such as social isolation, depression, and the risk of suicide. Patients must be hospitalized, which takes a long time and cost. Thus, developments are carried out to overcome the problem of internet addiction by preventing, screening, and intervening in internet addiction in a practical, effective, safe, and economical way using mobile applications. This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of internet-addiction mobile applications on internet-addicted students' sleep quality. A quasi-experimental using non-equivalent control group design with pre-test and post-test. The research instrument used was the Internet Addiction Test (IAT) and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). This study used a consecutive sampling of 46 people for the intervention and control groups. Data were analyzed using the McNemar test. Internet-Addiction Mobile Application significantly improved sleep quality for students who experienced internet addiction (60,9%) experienced good sleep quality. Furthermore, Internet-Addiction Mobile Application can significantly reduce internet addiction (p-value = 0.04). Internet-Addiction Mobile Application effectively improves students' sleep quality who experience internet addiction. This information can be used as data to prevent and intervene in sleep quality problems in people with internet addiction.



internet addiction mobile; sleep quality; internet addiction; student

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