Tujuan dari penelitian ini: 1) mengidentifikasi pengaruh atribut kualitas restoran terhadap tingkat kepuasan pelanggan secara keseluruhan di restoran Jepang all you can eat, 2) menganalisis perbedaan terhadap persepsi atribut kualitas restoran antara pelanggan yang puas dengan pelanggan yang tidak terlalu puas di restoran Jepang all you can eat. Data didapat melalui kuesioner yang dibuat melalui google form, lalu memberikan link dari google form dan didistribusikan melalui media sosial seperti Line dan Instagram kepada 250 responden. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi logistik dan U-Test. Berdasarkan analisis tersebut, diperoleh hasil regresi logistik yaitu respon yang empatik adalah sub atribut yang memiliki pengaruh secara signifikan terhadap tingkat kepuasan pelanggan. Dan hasil U-Test diperoleh hasil yaitu tidak adanya perbedaan terhadap persepsi atribut kualitas restoran antara pelanggan yang puas dengan pelanggan yang tidak terlalu puas. Sub atribut harga dapat dimungkinkan menjadi atribut yang dapat menentukan perbedaan terhadap persepsi atribut kualitas restoran.
Kata Kunci: Persepsi Pelanggan, Kepuasan, dan Kualitas Restoran.
The purpose of this study: 1) to identify the effect of restaurant quality attribute on overall customer satisfaction level in Japanese restaurant all you can eat, 2) to analyze the difference to perception of restaurant quality attribute between satisfied customer and less satisfied customer in Japanese restaurant all you can eat. Data obtained through questionnaires made through google form, then provide links from google form and distributed through social media such as Line and Instagram to 250 respondents. The method of analysis used is logistic regression and U-Test. Based on the analysis, obtained the result of logistic regression that is empatic response is sub attribute that have influence significantly to level of customer satisfaction. And result of U-Test obtained result that is no difference to perception attribute of restaurant quality between customer satisfied with customer which not too satisfied. Sub attribute price can be an attribute that can determine the difference to the perception of restaurant quality attributes.Keywords: Customer Perception, Satisfaction, and Restaurant Quality.Full Text:
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