Determination Of The Feasibility of Tourism Villages In West Manggarai Regency

Roseven Rudiyanto, Anggi Januar



The purpose of this study is to assess the readiness of the two villages proposed by the Regional Government of West Manggarai Regency (Wae Sano and Wae Lolos Villages) as a tourism village using an instrument compiled through focus group discussions with stakeholders in the field of tourism village development. Therefore, the local government intend to promoting cultural attraction as an effort to reduce negative impacts at Labuan Bajo and at the same time equalize the positive impacts of tourism. The approach of quantitative descriptive method was used on data obtained through focus group discussions and observations to test the readiness of a village to become a tourist village. The data analysis technique uses the interval interpretation technique, in which there are three interval categories. The results of this study indicate that there are six variables assessed in the tourism village assessment instrument, namely 1) attractions (nature and culture), 2) accessibility, 3) amenities (public facilities and tourism support), 4) institutions and society, 5) strategy. marketing, and 6) industry. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Wae Sano villages and Wae Lolos villages can be included in the category "can be recommended to become a tourist village with a note". This is due to records in several aspects, such as amenities, marketing strategies, and industry in the two villages.

Keywords: Amenities, Cultural Attractions, Institutional and Community, Tourism Village Determination, West Manggarai,


Amenities, Cultural Attractions, Institutional and Community, Tourism Village Determination, West Manggarai

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