Keterlibatan Perempuan dalam Pengelolaan Aktivitas Wisata Studi Kasus Desa Ekowisata Pancoh, Yogyakarta

Runavia Mulyasari, Karlina Maizida


This article aims to present the results of a study that focuses on women's involvement in the management of tourism activities in tourism villages that are co-managed by the community. Strengthening the role of women in local communities driving tourism and tourism business enterprises as innovators, leaders, policy makers, and decision makers is an important agenda in tourism recovery after the pandemic. This research uses a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) methods in data collection. A total of 35 women consisting of tourism actors, tourism business managers, youth communities, women tourism activists, and academics were involved as participants in a series of interviews, FGDs, and seminars conducted over 12 months. The results of this study show that not many women have become the main actors as decision makers or leaders in tourism management in Pancoh ecotourism village. Women's participation in the management of tourism activities is generally divided into two groups, where the group of mothers (seniors) become the manager of accommodation (homestay) and the group of young women involved in guiding activities (tour guide). Socio-cultural value factors also influence the role of women in the management of tourist villages where the assumption that women have the main responsibility for domestic matters makes women still reluctant to be involved in managerial issues in tourist villages. This research can contribute to the study of tourism planning and management that should be more inclusive with the involvement of all community members, including women and youth groups.




women’s involvement; participation; tourism activities; tourism village



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pISSN : 2654-3893

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