Pengaruh Tingkat Keamanan, Kenyamanan dan Produk Wisata terhadap Sustainable Tourism di Ponorogo
Wijianto Wijianto, Ika Farida Ulfah, Ardyan Firdausi Mustoffa
Ponorogo Regency has 21 sub-districts with a population of 949,320 people, and also has quite a lot of tourism potential. In 2022, there will be 312 tourist locations spread across 21 sub-districts. This tourism potential is certainly a potential that must be developed to encourage economic growth in the community. The aim of this research is to test and analyze the influence of the level of security, comfort and tourism products on sustainable tourism in Ponorogo. The population of this study were tourists visiting the Ponorogo area, with a sample size of 100 people. The analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS software. These results prove that sustainable tourism in Ponorogo Regency is significantly influenced by the level of security, comfort and tourism products
level of security; comfort; tourism products; sustainable tourism
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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License .
eISSN : 2654-4687
pISSN : 2654-3893
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
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