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ojs2 has produced an error
Message: CAUGHT EXCEPTION: Object of class TemplateManager could not be converted to string
In file: /home/ejournal/web/ejournal.upi.edu/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/template/PKPTemplateManager.inc.php
At line: 286
Server info:
OS: Linux
PHP Version: 5.6.40-21+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1
Apache Version: Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) OpenSSL/1.1.1d mod_fcgid/2.3.9
DB Driver: mysqli
DB server version: 5.7.42-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
ojs2 has produced an error
Message: CAUGHT EXCEPTION: Object of class TemplateManager could not be converted to string
In file: /home/ejournal/web/ejournal.upi.edu/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/template/PKPTemplateManager.inc.php
At line: 286
Server info:
OS: Linux
PHP Version: 5.6.40-21+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1
Apache Version: Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) OpenSSL/1.1.1d mod_fcgid/2.3.9
DB Driver: mysqli
DB server version: 5.7.42-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
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