Edi Supriyadi, Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan, Rani Sugiarni


This study seeks to define a map of the growth of mathematical understanding research in Indonesia. The study was conducted in July 2016 using the Scopus database search with the phrase understanding mathematical. The search data from Scopus is then reviewed based on the year of publication, affiliation and the country that publishes the results of research on mathematical understanding, journal names, productivity, and research subjects descriptively. Exporting data in *.csv format produces a map of scientific progress. The processed data for export is then processed and studied through the Vosviewer software so that bibliometric maps can be described in mathematical understanding research. The results of this research show that the publication of the study of understanding mathematics at Scopus increased significantly between 1968 and 2015, with the majority appearing in the Study of Education in Mathematics. The Australian Catholic University and the University of Oxford are the largest contributors to the publication of Scopus indexed research results in the area of mathematical understanding. Martin, L.C., and Towers, J. are the most prolific researchers in terms of publishing research results in the area of mathematical understanding. Zulkardi is the most prolific researcher from Indonesia. The United States is home to the most mathematicians studying comprehension, followed by Britain and Canada. Social Sciences is the field with the largest number of research results in the area of understanding mathematics. Through network visualization, it was revealed that the evolutionary map of research in the field of mathematical understanding was separated into three clusters. Cluster 1 consists of 50 themes, cluster 2 of 47 topics, and cluster 3 of 17 topics.


Mathematical Understanding; Bibliometrics; Vosviewer; Scopus

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