Safaat Cahyana, Dewi Susilawati, Respaty Mulyanto


Background implementation of this study is the lack of good passing skills in athletes in student activity units (UKM) campus UPI futsal Sumedang. This study aimed to investigate the effect of exercise small-sided games against the passing ability of the athletes. This study is one experimental study groups pretest-posttest design that experiments conducted on only one group without a comparison group with the data retrieval technique using the test. Subjects in this study were part of the SME members futsal UPI Sumedang of 20 people. Research instrument used to collect data in this study is the skill level as measured by the test passing soccer balls hold. The results showed that by using small-sided games can significantly affect the passing skills of futsal students UPI Sumedang. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a small exercise influence-sided games against passing skills students Student Activity Unit (UKM) campus UPI futsal Sumedang.

Keywords: Small-Sided Games, Passing, Futsal

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