Indra Firmansyah, entan saptani, Ayi Suherman


this reseach is motivated by learning outcomes of kels V of SDN Karangpawulang in Cimalaka subdistrict, Sumedang Regency in carrying out the result of chest pass learning so that the scores on chest pass learning on basketball learning are bellow the minimum learning criteria. The condition is caused by the majority of student having difficullty in carying out chest pass movements on basketball learning. Therefore based on these problems then to slove learning promblems that aim to improve the resullts of chest pass learning on basketball learning using peer teaching method.  This study use classroom action reseacrh method ( PTK in indonesia ). This classroom action method aims to find out how the plannig, impementation, activities and resuld of student learning improvement in chest pass learning in basketball learnig use peer teaching method. This study uses the desing of  the kemmis and taggast research model. The result of the action carried out were II cycles. Student learning outcomes in the first cylcles reached 50%, cyles II increased to 70%, and the thirs cylses increased by exceeding the target of 90%, this class action redsearch through efforts to improve the resultd of chest pass leraning on basketball learning using peer teaching mthod in kelas V of SDN Karangpawulang has increasd according to the desired target

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