Penerapan argumentation-based science inquiry (ABSI) dalam meningkatkan literasi sains peserta didik
Scientific literacy is one of the abilities that must be possessed by students in order to be able to follow the challenges of globalization in the 21st century, one way to practice scientific literacy is through formal education using appropriate learning models. The Argumentation-Based Science Inquiry (ABSI) learning model is an integration between the inquiry process and argumentation. The purpose of this research is to find out how the application of Argumentation-Based Science Inquiry (ABSI) to increase students' scientific literacy skills, and to find out how the implementation of ABSI learning. This study used a quasi-experimental method with a one-group pretest-posttest design. Data collection in this study used a scientific literacy test instrument in the form of 25 multiple choice questions, as well as an observation sheet on the implementation of learning. The sample of this study was 34 students of class XI MIPA who were selected using simple random sampling. Based on the data obtained, the implementation of learning activities was carried out in the almost entirely implemented category, and the increase in scientific literacy analyzed using N-gain showed an increase in the moderate category.
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