Rifa Atila Putri Komara, Putrasulung Baginda


This research examines the text analysis of online learning news in the COVID-19 era using the critical discourse analysis approach of the Teun A. van Dijk model. Teun A. van Dijk's critical discourse analysis research has three elements: text elements, social cognition elements, and social context. The text element is divided into macrostructure, superstructure, and microstructure. In the microstructure, two elements are to be analyzed: semantic and syntactic. This study aims to compare text elements, social cognition elements, and social context contained in the coverage of online learning in the COVID-19 era in German and Indonesian online newspapers. The object of this research focuses on three online newspapers, namely Süddeutsche Zeitung, Deutsche Welle, and Kompas. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis. Data analysis techniques were collected by analyzing three elements of text: social cognition and social context. Then, the data were classified using tables to be compared and concluded. The results of the analysis of text elements in German and Indonesian online newspapers have similarities in which the text describes the relationship between the title of the discourse in the story and the content and cover, also has reasons that support the core topic and has direct quotes and coherence intertwined between schemes in the story, there are also important facts that are in the news. Furthermore, the elements of social cognition and context found media bias and social issues established by the news text. Based on the results of the study, a critical attitude when reading news is needed so that the audience is well-informed and understands the context of the news.

Keywords: Text Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis, Online Newspapers, German Online Newspapers

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