Learning Arabic Speaking Skills and Implications Guided by the David A Kolb Experiential Learning Cycle in Higher Education

Husnatul Hamidiyyah, Sutaman Sutaman, Syaiful Mustofa, Iffat Maimunah, Riandry Fadilah Nasution


This research aims to reveal the uniqueness of learning Arabic speaking skills, which is applied using a cyclical experiential learning model. This research uses descriptive qualitative research, and the method uses a case study. Data was collected through interview techniques, participant observation, and documentation studies. Then, the data was analyzed using the Miles and Huberman Theory, including data collection, condensation, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of this research show that experiential learning theory, namely the concrete experience stage in the form of hiwar material which is relevant to student experience in the form of factual events or scientific data experiences taken from various references, the reflective observation stage, namely the lecturer corrects the writing of the material students' hiwar in terms of qawaid, context, mufradat, and student sentence pronunciation when practising hiwar in class, the abstract conceptualization stage, namely students writing papers according to the concept determined from the presentation of hiwar, table mufradat, tarakib nahwiyah and references and the active experimentation stage, namely students making hiwar videos rasmiyah and ghairu rasmiyah uploaded on YouTube.


Arabic learning; Experiential learning; Muhadatsah; Speaking skills

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