Digital database training to support school management

H. Herfina, Sri Setyaningsih, T. Triningsih


One of the challenges and important aspects in supporting the implementation of school management is the availability of a comprehensive and integrated digital database. However, there are still obstacles in development and development directions that still need to be managed optimally. Therefore, it is necessary to manage a digital database that can be accessed by students, teachers and school principals online. The aim is to conduct an initial study of digital database management to support school management. This Community Service was carried out by school principals, teachers and school operators in Limo District, Depok City to improve data-based planning initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Data-based planning training is carried out in two stages, namely coaching & discussion, action in the form of training and evaluation. The process is carried out in 5 steps, namely (1) a session starting from the self, (2) a concept exploration session, (3) a comprehension elaboration session, (4) contextual demonstration sessions, and (5) an action plan preparation session. The results of the service show that Data-Based Planning Activities have had a good impact on School Principals, Teachers, and School Operators, and no obstacles were found in their implementation.


Data-based planning; digital database; training


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Copyright (c) 2023 Herfina Herfina, Sri Setyaningsih, Triningsih Triningsih

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Dedicated: Journal of Community Services (Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat)
Published by Faculty of Educational Sciences - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
in collaboration with Himpunan Pengembang Kurikulum Indonesia (HIPKIN)
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