This research about the use of interactive multimedia in Local Language Learning in the Elementary School in Surakarta region aimed to find out the effectiveness of the use interactive multimedia in the Wayang Purwa and Javanese script topics. This research applied research and development (R&D) method with one-group pretest-posttest experimental design. The data were collected using tests. The validity test comprised of instrument and content validation. The results of the treatment to the third-grade students of SD Negeri Karangasem III Surakarta in the topic of Wayang Purwa showed that the average score in the pre-cycle, first cycle, and second cycle always increased. In the pre-cycle, the students' average score was 54.9 with the completeness percentage of 31.2 %. The average score after the treatment in the first cycle was 72.34 with the completeness percentage of 71.88 and in the second cycle was 81.27 with the completeness percentage of 90.63 %. The same results were also obtained in the topic of Javanese script in the second-grade students of SD Tunggulsari II Surakarta indicating that the average score of pre-cycle, first cycle, and second cycle always increased. The classical completeness percentage in the pre-cycle of 6.25 % increased to 56.25 % in the first cycle and 93.75 in the second cycle. The conclusion is that the used of interactive multimedia can improve the skills of Wayang Purwa storytelling and Javanese-script writing.
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Abstract: This research about the use of interactive multimedia in Local Language Learning in the Elementary School in Surakarta region aimed to find out the effectiveness of the use interactive multimedia in the Wayang Purwa and Javanese script topics. This research applied research and development (R&D) method with one-group pretest-posttest experimental design. The data were collected using tests. The validity test comprised of instrument and content validation. The results of the treatment to the third-grade students of SD Negeri Karangasem III Surakarta in the topic of Wayang Purwa showed that the average score in the pre-cycle, first cycle, and second cycle always increased. In the pre-cycle, the students' average score was 54.9 with the completeness percentage of 31.2 %. The average score after the treatment in the first cycle was 72.34 with the completeness percentage of 71.88 and in the second cycle was 81.27 with the completeness percentage of 90.63 %. The same results were also obtained in the topic of Javanese script in the second-grade students of SD Tunggulsari II Surakarta indicating that the average score of pre-cycle, first cycle, and second cycle always increased. The classical completeness percentage in the pre-cycle of 6.25 % increased to 56.25 % in the first cycle and 93.75 in the second cycle. The conclusion is that the used of interactive multimedia can improve the skills of Wayang Purwa storytelling and Javanese-script writing.
Keyword: Learning media, interactive multimedia, elementary school, local language
Abstrak: Penelitian ini tentang penggunaan multimedia interaktif dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Lokal di Sekolah Dasar di wilayah Surakarta bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan penggunaan multimedia interaktif dalam topik naskah Wayang Purwa dan Jawa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R & D) dengan desain eksperimen pretest-postest one-group. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan tes. Uji validitas terdiri dari instrumen dan validasi isi. Hasil perlakuan kepada siswa kelas III SD Negeri Karangasem III Surakarta dalam topik Wayang Purwa menunjukkan bahwa skor rata-rata pada siklus pra, siklus pertama, dan siklus kedua selalu meningkat. Pada pra-siklus, nilai rata-rata siswa adalah 54,9 dengan persentase kelengkapan 31,2%. Nilai rata-rata setelah perawatan pada siklus pertama adalah 72,34 dengan persentase ketuntasan sebesar 71,88 dan pada siklus II adalah 81,27 dengan persentase ketuntasan 90,63%. Hasil yang sama juga diperoleh dalam topik naskah Jawa pada siswa kelas dua SD Tunggulsari II Surakarta yang menunjukkan bahwa skor rata-rata siklus pra-siklus, siklus pertama, dan siklus kedua selalu meningkat. Persentase kelengkapan klasik dalam pra-siklus 6,25% meningkat menjadi 56,25% pada siklus pertama dan 93,75 pada siklus kedua. Kesimpulannya adalah bahwa penggunaan multimedia interaktif dapat meningkatkan keterampilan Wayang Purwa bercerita dan penulisan naskah Jawa
Kata kunci: Media pembelajaran, multimedia interaktif, sekolah dasar, bahasa lokal
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EduHumaniora: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar
Published in collaboration Program Studi PGSD UPI Kampus Cibiru
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