Kaum difabel merupakan subkultur yang masih mengalami marginalisasi. Terdapat banyak hak dari kaum difabel yang belum terpenuhi. Marginalisasi terhadap kaum difabel dapat disebabkan adanya stigmatisasi terhadap kemampuan mereka. Stigmatisasi terhadap difabel, dipicu oleh adanya sebagian besar masyarakat yang masih menganut model tradisional. Kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat mengenai realitas kaum difabel disebabkan oleh kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai dunia kaum difabel yang sebenarnya. Kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat ini, salah satunya disebabkan minimnya literasi mengenai kaum difabel yang dapat diakses masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, penting kiranya, untuk menyediakan literasi mengenai kaum difabel bagi masyarakat, misalnya melalui penerbitan buku bacaan. Setiap stereotip yang ada dan berkembang di masyarakat, bukan lah sesuatu yang muncul secara tiba-tiba, namun berproses dan dapat disebarkan secara turun temurun. Untuk itu, dalam upaya meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai realitas kaum difabel dalam masyarakat, perlu dilakukan pengenalan dunia kaum difabel terhadap anak usia dini melalui berbagai jenis bacaan anak-anak. Apabila sejak dini anak-anak Indonesia sudah mengenal dan mulai memahami dunia kaum difabel, maka diharapkan anak-anak tersebut kelak menjadi individu-individu yang mampu mengapresiasi eksistensi dan kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh kaum difabel. Dengan demikian, lambat laun, stigmatisasi terhadap kaum difabel yang ada dalam masyarakat sekarang ini dapat terkoreksi secara bertahap. sehingga masyarakat Indonesia, mampu menjadi masyarakat yang inklusif bagi kaum difabel.
Kata Kunci: Difabel, Komunikasi, Buku, Anak-Anak.
Disabled people are a subculture that is still experiencing marginalization. There are many human rights belonging to the disabled people who have not yet been met. Marginalization of the disabled people is due to the stigmatization of their disabilities. Stigmatization of the disabled people is triggered by the condition of most people whom still believe traditional model. Lack of public awareness about the reality of the disabled people is caused by the lack of knowledge regarding the actual world of the disabled people. Lack of knowledge from the societies, is due to the lack of literacy reference related to the disabled people which can be accessed by the public. Therefore, it is important to provide literacy to the general society about disabled people, for example through the publication of books. Stereotypes that exist and also flourish in society, is not a phenomenon that appears instantly, but rather a process, and can be propagated from generation to generation. Therefore, as an effort to increase comprehension and knowledge related to the actual life of the disabled people within the society, an acknowledgement towards the reality of the disabled people. Such activity should be employed during early childhood age of children through various types of children's literature. If Indonesian children in their early age’s children are aware of and begun to understand the world of the disabled, it is expected that these children would become individuals whom have the ability to appreciate the existence and the limited competence of the disabled people. Thus, gradually, stigmatization of the disabled people in the society today can be gradually corrected. So that Indonesian people, would become an inclusive society for the disabled.
Keywords: Disabled, Communication, Children, Books.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/edulib.v2i1.2260
DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.17509/edulib.v2i1.2260.g1568
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