Relationship between Facilities and Community Interest in Rumah Baca Taman Sekar Bandung
Visiting interest in the library is the interest of the users to visit the library. Small-scale libraries are often called Taman Bacaan Masyarakat (TBM). Some studies mention that interest in visiting has a relationship with the desire to utilize adequate TBM facilities. To find out the truth of the relationship, one of the TBM that became our research site was Rumah Baca Taman Sekar. This research uses quantitative methods with data collection techniques through surveys. The sampling method used is Convenience Sampling with chi-square analysis method using SPSS. The results showed that the Chi-Square count = 2.372, if α = 0.10; df = 4; known Chi-squaretable = 1.064, meaning that the facilities used have a significant relationship with the interest in visiting Taman Sekar Reading House, at Chi-Square count = 18.628, if α = 0.10; df = 12; known Chi-squaretable = 6.304, meaning that the type of book at Taman Sekar Reading House has a significant relationship with the interest in visiting Taman Sekar Reading House. In Chi-Square calculated = 30.937, if α = 0.10; df = 18; known Chi-squaretable = 10.865, meaning that the age of visitors to Taman Sekar Reading House has a significant relationship with the use of facilities at Taman Sekar Reading House. Based on the results of the study, all facilities of Taman Sekar Reading House are proven to have an effect on public interest in visiting.
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