Co-Working Space in Library: A Literature Review
This study aims to understand the transformation and implementation of co-working spaces in the context of libraries. This research is important because the presence of co-working spaces can provide good opportunities for libraries in the future. The research method used is a literature review. The data comes from searching for information with the keyword "libraries OR library AND working AND space" in the Scopus and Google Scholar databases and 15 articles were obtained as primary literature. The results of the study stated that libraries can undergo a significant transformation from just an information center to an activity center by integrating the concept of co-working space. The implementation of co-working space in the library is not only considered a temporary solution but also an integral part of the ongoing strategy to transform the library into a dynamic learning center, in line with the latest developments and user needs. Co-working is part of the innovation of transforming libraries from just information centers to activity centers.
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