Overcoming Barriers to AI Implementation in University Libraries: A Developing Country Perspective
This paper explores the use of artificial intelligence (AI) as an enabler for effective library services in universities in developing countries in the contemporary information age, focusing on its use in library functions, librarians' attitudes, readiness, challenges, and recommendations for effective implementation. The paper shows that AI has the potential to enhance library services and improve user experiences. It also assures that librarians play a crucial role in the implementation and use of AI, and their attitudes towards AI vary. Some librarians are excited about the possibilities AI offers, while others are skeptical or hesitant about its implementation in libraries. However, the paper concludes that librarians in developing countries express a readiness to adopt AI in university libraries. Despite this readiness, there are several challenges in implementing and using AI in university libraries in developing countries, including limited resources, lack of technical expertise, and concerns regarding privacy and data protection. To overcome these challenges and ensure effective use of AI, the paper recommends appropriate tools such embracing AI technologies like chatbots, RFID, and robotics for top-level service delivery, as well as leveraging AI to connect with remote users and regain relevance within the user base.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/edulib.v14i2.66752
DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.17509/edulib.v14i2.66752.g28962
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