The Role of Café Room 19 Library in Improving Visitors' Reading Culture in Bandung City
The rise of cafe libraries can be used as a means to improve the reading culture of the community, especially visitors. This research aims to find out how the role of The Room 19 cafe library in improving the reading culture of visitors. This research uses a descriptive and qualitative approach. The purposive sampling technique, interviews, observation, and documentation were used to collect research data. The Room 19 Cafe Library has main informants consisting of presenters, visitors, managers, and managers of The Room 19 Cafe Library. Data analysis was carried out by reducing data, presenting data, and concluding and verifying data. The role of The Room 19 Cafe Library in improving the reading culture of library users focuses on providing collections, services, space, library materials, library management, collection development, organizing active activities, and promotion. In the conclusions and suggestions, it is suggested that The Room 19 Cafe Library can be more intensive in conducting innovative activities to improve reading culture.
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