K Kusherdyana, A Ahman, Achmad Juntika Nurihsan, Nandang Rusmana


This study is based on the problem of not optimal student’s adversity intelligence and no adventure based counseling carried out in universities in Indonesia. This study aims at creating adventure based counseling model to improve the students’ adversity intelligence. This study uses Research and Developement approach consists of four stages such as introductory study, hypothetical model design, model rational validation, and field testing. The sample of the study is the students of Tourism Colleges in Indonesia (STP Bandung, STP Bali, Akpar Medan, and Akpar Makasar) amount to 410 selected by incidental sampling technique. The study finding shows that (1) the adversity intelligence level of Tourism College students is most included in camper category, (2) there is no difference of students’ adversity intelligence based on gender, study program, Grade Point Avarage, and parents’ salary, (3) adventure-based counseling model is assumed to be proper as an intervention model to improve the students’ adversity intelligence, and (4) adventure-based counseling model is proved to be effective to improve the adversity intelligence of Tourism College students in Indonesia. Therefore, adventure-based counseling model is recommended to be applied in developing counseling program in Tourism Colleges in Indonesia to improve the students’ adversity intelligence.

Key words: adversity intelligence, adventure-based counseling model, college students

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