This research was based on insufficient data on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among victims of natural disasters in Indonesia. Determining the prevalence of PTSD and examining characteristics of PTSD symptoms in children and adolescents victims of natural disasters were the objectives of this study. Survey research design has been used in this study. There were 859 children and adolescents in the research samples with 485 participants from West Java (56.5%) and 374 participants from West Sumatra (43.5%). Downs Posttraumatic Stres Scale has been used as the research instrument. There were 171 participants (19.9%) met the criteria of PTSD diagnosis. The research findings indicated that the time span of catastrophic events were not significantly related to the differences in the prevalence of PTSD. Adolescents and female-adolescents were known had more risk of having PTSD. Age cathegory and gender were known providing variation in the prevalence, intensity, and frequency of PTSD symptoms. Chronic or delayed response of PTSD symptoms and the differences of characteristics of post-traumatic stress symptoms by age cathegory and gender were the conclusions of this research.
Keywords: PTSD, Prevalence, Intensity, Frequency, Characteristics
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