The study was based on the poor motivation of underachiever students to perform well to show good performance potentials optimally. The aim was to test the effectiveness of role playing technique in improving the achievement motivation of the underachiever students. Nonequivalent (pretest and posstest) control gruop design of Quasi-experiment was chosen toward the samples of the research which were the underachiever of grade XI students SMA BPI 1 academic year 2015/2016. The data analysis used the parametric statistical t-test. The result showed that the role playing technique is effective in increasing the achievement motivation of underachiever students. n addition, the effectiveness of role playing techniques are also supported by the change of attitude shown by learners underachiever before and after the treatment, evidenced by the results of a daily journal, the assessment of learners underachiever e lected as assessor, along with observations. It is recommended to: a) Guidance counseling teacher to use the role playing technique to increase achievement motivation. b) Subject teachers to deliver an interesting lesson and motivate as well; and c) Further researcher to follow up the research result by conduct a variation of role playing technique also using other different sampling.
Keywords: role playing, achievement motivation, underachiever students
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