Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Mahendran Maniam, En. Kartheges Ponniah


The issue of mother tongue interference in second language learning is always a phenomenon that can not be circumvented . Mastery of a second language and has similarities with the mastery of a mother tongue. Educational practitioners believe that the acquisition Malay (Bahasa Melayu) as the second language (in the context of this study) is heavily influenced by the mother tongue (Tamil, in the context of this study). It is also believed that the mother tongue plays a negative role, namely, it interferes with the mastery of a second language. In this case, the characteristics of the mother tongue are transferred into those of the second language (Bolton and Kachru, 2006).
Disorders such as theseonly apply in some specific contexts, and not in all contexts. This study found there are several mother tongue influences facing the Tamil school students, especially in syntax and vocabulary . This influence is negative as it disrupts the acquisition of the second language. Poor vocabulary acquisition is a reason why a child in this study can not master the Malay without the mother tongue interference.Thus, various activities which can improve the vocabulary mastery should be held in Malay language classes.

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