Problems that happened in Junior High School of 33 Semarang are lack of students’s
understanding prosedural and conceptual in algebra and still make errors in solving
algebra problem.This study view to analyzed Junior High School of 33 Semarang students’
errors and misconceptions in algebra. The study used qualitative method research design.
An algebra test contained questions from three main areas of algebra: variables, algebraic
expressions, and systems of linear equations two variables. The results indicated a
number of error categories under each area. Some errors emanated from misconceptions.
Errors type was observed under variables are letters as labels, lack of understanding
of variables as specified unknown, lack of understanding of variables as generalized
numbers, conjoining addition and multiplication, misinterpreting unitary concept, and
forming incorect equations. Errors type was observed under algebraic expressions
are miscancellasi, conjoining addition and multiplication, lack of understanding of
distributive property, dan lack of understanding of operations in fraction.
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