Syifa Rohmati Mashfufah


The objective of this study is to determine the perception of kindergarten children regarding the importance of school readiness as one of cognitive language development aspects. This study used a qualitative method with phenomenological design; the participants are three kindergarten teachers. Data collection was done using interview techniques and field observation which then analyzed using grounded theory. The data collection process was carried out for three months, from June until September 2018. Based on the study it was revealed that kindergarten teacher(s) have a perception that it is important for children to possess school readiness as a cognitive language development aspect, in which the children’s ability to basic literacy, interest in letters / numbers and memory, and basic numeracy skills. The teacher believes that this ability is influenced by the ability to listen and speak so that it has an impact on the process of reading, writing, and counting. kindergarten teachers are perceive on the importance of children having school readiness in the aspect of language cognitive development by means of games, story-telling, and a literacy/numeracy recognition oriented classroom setting. For further research it is expected to conduct research on parent’s perceptions of children's school readiness in entering primary school.

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