The Effect of Technology-Based Educational Facilities and Infrastructures on Students' Learning Achievement at State High School in Sukabumi City

Muhammad Alwan Nura Hafizh, Heni Mulyani, Badria Muntasofi


This study aims to determine the effect of technology-based educational facilities and infrastructure on student achievement in State High School in Kota Sukabumi. The findings in this study indicate that there is a positive and significant influence between the variables of technology-based educational facilities and infrastructure on student achievement in State High School in Kota Sukabumi. The advice that can be given from this research is that the existing facilities and infrastructure in the school are good, and have reached the specified criteria. Schools need to maintain and always make adjustments in innovation with the existing system so that learning can be more effective and efficient. Maintaining technology-based facilities and infrastructure is also very important so that all existing facilities and infrastructure in schools continue to function as they should. The renewal of facilities and infrastructure in schools must still be adjusted to the applicable curriculum and system. Schools as media for creating quality human resources must always optimize in terms of technology-based facilities and infrastructure, so that the development of human resources produced can follow technology and be competitive and competent.


Facilities and Infrastructure, Technology and Learning Achievement

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