Jazz Music Learning Program With An On The Side Guide Approach To Increase Self-Esteem Of Elderly People

Christ Stanley Khoewell, Rita Milyartini, Yudi Sukmayadi


Elderly people face mental and physical health challenges that are interconnected and impact each other. Negative thoughts in elderly people can have a negative impact on physical and mental health. Problems increasingly arise when they feel they have reached retirement, are unproductive, or feel useless, giving rise to a lack of enthusiasm, feelings of helplessness, low desire to socialize which results in a high risk of illness. Through this research, researchers developed a jazz music learning program with the aim of increasing the self-esteem of elderly people. This research uses an evaluative research design with a mixed methods approach. Quantitative data was obtained by measuring the self-esteem of elderly people using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Interviews, observations and documentation studies were carried out to obtain qualitative data. This research shows that there is an increase in self-esteem by 10% after elderly people take part in learning Jazz Music through a guide on the side approach. Elderly people experience changes in behavior and attitudes related to self-esteem, such as being brave enough to express opinions and correct each other. In this way, the Jazz Music Learning Program has succeeded in increasing the self-esteem of elderly people.

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