Implementation of Project Based Learning with Stimulus Kangsreng Dance to Create Dance at SMPN (State Middle School) 62 Bandung
Syifa Silviana Putri, Trianti Nugraheni, Ayo Sunaryo
The existence of the Merdeka Curriculum program allows educators to have greater freedom of space to design teaching materials according to the needs and accommodate the interests of students also be more student-centred. Its implementation involves project-based learning in creative dance creation with stimuli. This study is intended to enhance the learning of arts and culture in SMP Negeri 62 Bandung. This research is carried out to align with the achievements of dance art phase D through project based learning steps. The process of creating the dance will refer to two theories of dance composition. The first theory uses the Smith house construction approach, while the second theory uses the aspects of La Meri dance composition as indicators in the assessment. Implementation in the action research method is done in three cycles, in which each cycle consists of three meetings; then, at the end of one summative assessment meeting is held. The sample number is 28 students, divided into four groups. The output of research explained that the process of learning to create dance is based upon the used theory and with the Kangsreng Dance stimulus, students could be creative and producing a new Kangsreng Dance. Students can plan and design dance creation projects, conduct exploration, arrange movements and floor patterns, and plan the performance of dance creation results. The results can be proven, students experienced an increase in grades from cycle I to cycle III and at summative assessment overall group grades averaged 89,5
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Program Studi Pendidikan Seni, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Cidadap, Isola, Sukasari, Isola, Kec. Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154, Telp: (022) 2001197

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