Vina Anggilia Puspita, Gunardi Gunardi


The number of Islamic stock investors is growing. This demonstrates that public interest in halal investment has increased, despite the fact that the number is still tiny when compared to Indonesia's total population. The purpose of this research is to see if the rise in investment interest has an effect on the Islamic stock trading frequency, with the goal of improving the performance of the Indonesian capital market as assessed by the Composite Stock Price Index (JCI). The methods used are descriptive and verification. Path analysis is used to analyse the data. According to the study's findings, a rise in Single Investor Identification (SID) of Islamic stocks on the JCI had no direct effect. Furthermore, it has not been demonstrated that the frequency of Islamic stock trading functions as a moderating variable. Additional tests have revealed that Islamic stock trading frequency has a direct effect on the JCI. Furthermore, the SID and the trading frequency have significant impacts on the JCI at the same time. Based on these findings, it is hoped that capital market stakeholders will continue to collaborate to develop policies that will have a significant impact on the capital markets' performance by increasing socialization, education, and activation.


Islamic Stock Investor; Islamic Stock Trading Frequency; Composite Stock Price Index (JCI); Islamic Capital Market; Indonesia’s Capital Market Performance

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