Ismi Siti Nur Azizah, Effy Mulyasari, Evi Rahmawati


This research aims to develop early reading media for grade I elementary school students in the form of a student exercise book and guidebook for teachers and parents. The study employs the Design and Development (D&D) method based on the model by Peffers et al., which consists of six stages: (1) Identify Problems, through observations of early reading skills, revealing that while students can read the alphabet, they struggle with simple words or sentences, and there is no guidebook for teachers or parents; (2) Describe the Goal, to develop and evaluate student exercise books and guidebooks for effective early reading instruction; (3) Media Design and Development, where the media is created into practical resources for students, teachers, and parents; (4) Test the Media, involving validation by learning media experts, material experts, teachers, parents, and students; (5) Evaluate Trial Results, which showed high feasibility ratings of 89.68% (“very good”) for the student exercise book and 91.96% (“very good”) for the guidebook. Student interviews also revealed positive responses, indicating that the developed media effectively supports early reading activities. (6) Communicate Results, where findings are reported through a thesis and oral presentations. These findings demonstrate that the Student Exercise Book and Guidebook for Teachers and Parents are highly suitable for grade I learning activities, providing a structured and effective tool for improving early reading skills in elementary school students.


Early reading media, media development.

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