Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran perubahan konseptual terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada pokok bahasan Tekanan di SMP Negeri 1 Merapi Barat. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimen, dengan desain penelitian adalah nonequivalent control group design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 72 siswa yang diambil secara acak dalam 2 kelas yaitu 36 siswa kelas VIII-A sebagai kelas eksperimen dan 36 siswa kelas VIII-B sebagai kelas kontrol. Kelas eksperimen diberi perlakuan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran perubahan konseptual, sedangkan kelas kontrol hanya diajarkan dengan pembelajaran konvensional metode ceramah. Baik kelas kontrol maupun kelas eksperimen sama-sama diberi tes awal (pre-test) dan tes akhir (post-test). Berdasarkan analisa data nilai rata-rata pre-test untuk kelas eksperimen adalah 41, dan nilai rata-rata pre-test kelas kontrol adalah 34. Selain itu, nilai rata-rata post-test untuk kelas eksperimen yaitu 83 dan nilai rata-rata post-test untuk kelas kontrol yaitu 62. Dari analisa data gain termormalisasi diperoleh = 3,89 dan = 1,996. Ini berarti > sehingga hipotesis nol (H0) yang menyatakan tidak ada pengaruh model pembelajaran perubahan konseptual terhadap hasil belajar siswa Pokok Bahasan Tekanan di SMP Negeri 1 Merapi Barat, ditolak, dan hipotesis alternatif (Ha) yang menyatakan ada pengaruh model pembelajaran perubahan konseptual terhadap hasil belajar siswa Pokok Bahasan Tekanan di SMP Negeri 1 Merapi, diterima.
This research aimed to determine the effect of conceptual change learning model for result of student learning on the subject of pressure in State Junior High School Number 1 in West Merapi. This type of research is a quasi experimental study, the study design was nonequivalent control group design. The sample in this study, 72 students were chosen randomly in the two class, which is 36 students of class VIII-A as the experimental class and 36 students of class VIII-B as the control class. Experimental class were treated by using a conceptual changes learning model, while the control class is only taught by conventional teaching model. Both the control and experimental classes were given an initial test (pre-test) and final test (post-test). Based on the data analysis of the average pre-test for the experimental class is 41, and the average pre-test control class is 34. In addition, the average post-test for the experimental class is 83 and the average post-test for the control class is 62. From the analysis of the data obtained normalized gain = 3,89 and = 1,996. This means > so that the null hypothesis (H0) which states no influence conceptual changes learning model for result of student learning on the subject of pressure in State Junior High School Number 1 in West Merapi, rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) states that there is an influence conceptual changes learning model for result of student learning on the subject of pressure in State Junior High School Number 1 in West Merapi, accepted.
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