Yunisfu Yunisfu



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan pembelajaran kontekstual berbasis masalah menggunakan konteks keunggulan lokal tambang timah di Bangka pada materi kimia unsur, serta pengaruhnya terhadap literasi sains pada aspek konten, konteks aplikasi, proses, dan sikap sains siswa SMA. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan “one group pretest-posttest design”. Subyek penelitian adalah 29 orang siswa kelas XII dari salah satu SMA di Kabupaten Bangka Tengah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui tes pilihan ganda untuk mengukur kemampuan literasi sains siswa. Selain itu, penyebaran angket, lembar observasi, dan LKS juga dilakukan untuk mengukur keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Hasil pengumpulan data tes selanjutnya dihitung dan dianalisis berdasarkan nilai N-Gain (%), sedangkan data non tes dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara keseluruhan pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan literasi sains siswa dengan N-Gain (%) sebesar 59,72% (kategori sedang), begitu juga pada tiap aspek literasi sains pada aspek konten (60,97%), aspek konteks aplikasi (58,83%), aspek proses (63,49%) dan aspek sikap (62,65%), yang mengalami peningkatan pada kategori sedang. Secara umum siswa memberikan tanggapan positif terhadap pembelajaran kontekstual berbasis masalah.


This study was aimed to develop a contextual problem based learning based on local excellence context (tin mining in Bangka) for chemistry of elements topics, to enhance scientific literacy (content, context applications, processes, and science attitudes aspects) of senior high school students. Method used in this study was quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest design. Subjects of the study were 29 class XII students at one of high schools in Bangka Tengah Regency. Data collection was conducted through multiple choice test to measure students' scientific literacy skills. Furthermore, questionnaires, observation sheets, and students working sheets were also used to measure learning implementation. The collected data were calculated and analyzed based on N-Gain (%) value, while non-test data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that in overall, this learning can improve students' science literacy with N-Gain (%) of 59.72% (medium category), as well as in every aspect of scientific literacy such as content aspects (60.97%), application context aspects (58.83%), process aspects (63.49%) and attitude aspects (62.65%), which were increased to medium category. Students generally respond positively toward contextual problem based learning.


keunggulan lokal tambang timah; literasi sains; pembelajaran berbasis masalah; pembelajaran kontekstual; local excellence of a tin-mine; scientific literacy; problem based learning; contextual learning

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