Profile of Junior High School Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Science Learning Using Lectora Inspire Learning Media

Nina Khaerunnisa


Critical thinking skills are one of the competencies that must be possessed by students in the 21st Century. This study aims to analyze the level of critical thinking skills of junior high school students in science learning using the learning media lectora inspire. This research is quantitative descriptive. The subjects used in this study were 30 class VIII students of SMP N 5 Depok Sleman. The sampling technique was carried out using a purposive sampling technique. The data collection technique uses test instruments in the form of critical thinking skills questions totaling 10 questions. Data analysis carried out in this study was a quantitative analysis. This study obtained the results that in terms of frequency the level of students' critical thinking skills obtained an average score of 73.04 in the high category level and classically obtained an average score of 54.05 in the medium category.


critical thinking skills, lectora inspire, science learning


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