The drainage system on the Cihanjuang road in Cimahi City experiences flooding problems, especially during the rainy season. Flooding factors are caused by sedimentation, clogged garbage, and rainwater runoff from each settlement that cannot be accommodated. Based on these problems, research was carried out as an effort to overcome the problems that occurred. The method in this research uses a descriptive evaluative method, namely a research method that evaluates conditions objectively/as is. Primary data in this research was obtained by surveying the condition of the drainage channel at the location to determine the dimensions and existing conditions of the channel. Secondary data in this research was obtained via the NASA website in the form of rainfall data for the last 20 years. The rainfall calculation method used in this research is the Log Normal method with a rainfall intensity value of 74.316 mm with a return period of 2 years. This research uses EPA SWMM 5.2.3 computer software as a tool to carry out hydraulic analysis. The research results showed that there were four channel locations with existing drainage channel capacity that could not accommodate water runoff, namely J_10, J_17, J_21, J_48. So that Low Impact Development (LID) planning is carried out in each water catchment area to reduce water runoff. The results obtained show that the application of LID can overcome flooding problems. Apart from that, cost calculations were also carried out in making the four types of LID used, namely Bioretention-cell, Rain Garden, Permeable Pavement and Rain Barrel.
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