Dita Rari Dwi


This study aims to examine banking service technology and intellectual capital to the stability of the bank. The results of panel data regression analysis on 81 commercial banks in Indonesia with observations in 2013 - 2015 obtained from the results of financial service technology and intellectual capital have a significant effect on the stability of commercial banks in Indonesia. Likewise, with each component of intellectual capital consisting of VAHU, STVA has a significant effect on bank stability in a positive direction, while VACA has an influence on bank stability in a negative direction. Both analyzes show that financial service technology and intellectual capital both calculated with VAIC and each component of VAIC show no difference in effect on bank stability. The findings of this study strengthen the RBV theory where tangible resources and intangible resources are the main capital that must be owned by the company in order to achieve competitive advantage in the era of industrial development 4.0.


Intellectual Capital (IC); Bank Stabilitas; RBV

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