Emerging Trends in Intellectual Capital Research: A Decade Review
This study aims to analyze the trends in intellectual capital research by reviewing articles published on scopus.com. The objective is to identify the patterns of development and anticipate the future directions of intellectual capital research that are important for academics and practitioners in this field. The method used is a combination of bibliometric analysis and descriptive analysis with 132 articles based on the keyword search "intellectual capital" and "VAIC" and "structural capital" and "relational capital" and "human capital". There has been a significant increase in the number of articles related to intellectual capital over the years, indicating a growing interest. These topics have interdisciplinary relevance and are researched in various fields including management, economics, finance, technology, and sustainability. This study is limited to articles published in journals listed in scopus and may not cover perspectives or trends in other journals or among industry practitioners. The originality of this research provides a comprehensive understanding of the current trends in intellectual capital research and identifies the future directions of research in this field. It adds value to academics and practitioners who want to understand the evolution and application of intellectual capital in the business and academic context.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jimb.v15i1.68375
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