Pre-Service Primary Teachers’ Opinions about the Course of Practice Teaching through Distance Education
Due to the coronavirus pandemic affecting the world, face-to-face higher education practices were suspended in most countries, and teaching processes continued with distance education methods. This method has prevented university students from taking theoretical and practical courses face-to-face. In this regard, the teaching practice course, which is the fundamental course for professional preparation in education faculties, was conducted at a distance, in which its effectiveness becomes questionable. Hence, this research aims at determining the prospective classroom teachers' views about the process of conducting the teaching practice course at a distance. This research employs case study design by involving 37 pre-service primary teachers attending the education faculty of a state university. In addition, the data collection were done using a semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers, which was then analyzed using content analysis. The results conclusion showed that the pre-service teachers expressed opinions about the theoretical and practical dimensions, expectations, level of content, and suggestions for the development of the course.
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