Power In Donald Trumpt’s Speech Recognition: Critical Discourse Approach

Jauhar Helmie, Vina Nurviyani, Aditya Restu Yoga Ardhika


This study aims to investigate what power used in Donald Trump’s speech about recognition Jerusalem as part of Israel State. Donald Trump’s emergences as famous leader in the developed country in the world. In analysis of power in critical discourse, it uses Fairclough (2014) as a main theory. This study applied qualitative research design. The technique of the data collections used in this research was descriptive qualitative analysis. The data analysis of this study used Critical Discourse Analysis method. There are two findings of this study. It is to explain the power used by Donald Trump and to find out the representation as social actors of power and weakness in Donald Trump’s speech. The specific focus was on how the using of power and the representative of his power and weakness as social actors to influences others view or perspective. In his speech, he showed his power with using his pronounce to influenced others. It happened because he wants to recognize Jerusalem to be Israel state. Besides that, it tells the social actor network as the framework, and decontextualizes the representations of social actors implemented by Donald Trump in creating a specific reality for his audience for establishing and legitimizing his own status and his power through the interaction and production of the reality. Actually, this study is not only told about the serves of power in critical discourse analysis, but also it enables a better understanding.


Critical Discourse Analysis; Donald Trump’s speeches; Power; Political purposes; Qualitative analysis; Social Actors;

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/mimbardik.v8i1.68014


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